Puppy Class 2024



Our dog training class is designed to get the best out of your Dog, Teach you what a dog wants and needs and how to have a Pawsome Family. Training at an early age is vital to the healthy growth of your dog and ensuring the best approach to a long and healthy life together. All our classes are taught using positive reinforcement methods, positive reinforcement training is simple, easy and extremely effective for training young puppies and dogs.  


Tilly Puppy 2

The course is 6 weeks (an hour each week), and we aim to teach basic obedience exercises to help increase the bond with your dog.

The course covers 

* Appropriate socialisation and signs to look out for when your puppy is at play.

* Basic obedience exercises to help increase the bond with your dog, teach the boundaries that you want to instill and what is expected.

* How to recall your dog, safely and improve your dogs recall and attention when offlead.

* How to walk your dog, teach your dog heelwork in the correct place and correct pace to walk, stop pulling ahead and how to encourage your dog to walk.

* What you should feed your dog, the nutritional benefits of a good diet.

 * Health checks on your dog, grooming needs and general care of your best friend. 


Paddy ckcs

Taught by our experienced instructors who have been innovating dog training on the Wirral since 2010, experienced with all breeds of dogs, with a proven track record of providing benefical training, our course is developed for the peace of mind that you will be skilled with the appropriate techniques to have a Pawsome Pup. 

6 week Course Fee - £85 for 6 consecutive weeks an hour each week.

2024 Puppy Courses

6 Week courses run  Thursdays at 6:00pm

Classes are kept to small numbers, maximum 8 dogs, this is to ensure important one on one time is available for each owner and dog with our trainers, making booking essential.

2024 Classes 


Thursday 26th September

6pm Class -6 place available

7pm Class- 4 place available


Thursday 7th November 2024

6pm Class -8 place available

7pm Classplace available

Complete the Form

Booking Form
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