Puppy Class

Puppy Class For puppies under 25 weeks old  

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Our puppy class is designed to get the best out of your puppy, teach you what a puppy wants and needs and how to have a Pawsome Family.

The course is 7 or 13 weeks, depending on your preference.  We aim to teach basic obedience exercises to help increase the bond with your dog, improve your puppy’s recall, heelwork to teach the puppy the correct place and pace to walk, as well as teach you the importance of Nutrition and Grooming and Socialisation in a safe environment.  

All our classes are taught using positive reinforcement methods. Positive reinforcement training is simple, easy and extremely effective for training young puppies.  Taught by our experienced instructors who have been innovating puppy training on the Wirral since 2010. 

The first week is humans only. Leave your puppy at home unless they attend Puppy Nursery!

This gives you time to learn our techniques and ask any questions or problems you may have.   

You can save money by booking a Pawsome Puppy Deal compared to purchasing classes seperately: 

 Requirements: Pups must be under 25 weeks of age at the start date of class. 

Puppy Course Fee - £80 for 7 consecutive weeks

Pawsome Puppy Deals:

Puppy Deal Option A - £150 (save £25) -  Includes Puppy Nursery, Puppy Class and Puppy Graduation class (13 weeks)

Puppy Deal Option B - £105 (save £10) - Includes Puppy Class and Puppy Nursery

Puppy Training Deal Option  C - £130 (save £10) -  Includes Puppy Class and Puppy Graduation class (13 weeks)


Please note that the Graduation class maybe on different day to the puppy class that you have graduated from.

2019 Puppy Courses

7 or 13 Week Courses Run on Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30pm

Wallasey 28th Scouts Club, St George's road in Wallasey 

Classes are kept to small numbers, maximum 8 dogs, this is to ensure important one on one time is available for each owner and dog with our trainers, making booking essential.

2020 Classes

Thursday 27th February 2020 @ 6:30

Future Courses planned

Monday 16th March 2020 @ 6:30

Thursday 16th April 2020 @ 6:30

Monday 11th May 2020 @ 6:30

Thursday 4th June 2020 @ 6:30

Monday 6th July 2020 @ 6:30

Thursday 23rd July 2020 @6:30

Monday 7th September 2020 @ 6:30

Thursday 10th September 2020 @ 6:30

Monday 26th October 2020 @ 6:30

Thursday 29th October 2020 @ 6:30


Complete the Form

Booking Form
  • I have read and accept the terms and conditions found here : www.positivelypawsome.com/tandc.html:
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Dont forget to pay for your class by clicking HERE